General terms and conditions

Information for Consumers in Distance Selling Contracts and Information in Contracts in Electronic Commerce


§ 1 Scope of application
The following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of the order shall apply to all business relations between the customer and Medien Team66 Verlags GmbH for orders placed via the Internet store.



§ 2 Conclusion of contract
The presentation of our products in our internet presence only contains an invitation to the customer to submit a contract offer.
By sending an order, the customer makes an offer within the meaning of § 145 BGB. The customer receives a confirmation of receipt of the order by e-mail. If necessary, we will separately point out to the customer possible errors in the information about the assortment on our website and submit a corresponding counter-offer.

The customer waives the receipt of a declaration of acceptance, § 151 S.1 BGB. The contract with us is concluded if we accept the customer’s offer within 10 days in writing or in text form or send the ordered goods or if the customer pays in advance. In the case of the agreed payment method prepayment, we declare acceptance of the contract at the time when the customer makes prepayment, if the payment is made within 10 days after sending the order.



§ 3 Contractual Partner
Contractual partner becomes with the purchase of physical products (CDs, DVDs, etc.) the respective indicated salesman, the SICS EDV Copy GmbH, Robert Bosch STR. 10, 83607 Holzkirchen.
For the sale of non-physical products (downloads), the MedienTeam66 GmbH, Friedenspromenade 98, 81827 Munich, Germany, becomes the contractual partner.



§ 4 Right of withdrawal
Consumers are entitled to a statutory right of withdrawal. A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity (§13 BGB).



Right of withdrawal
You have the right to cancel this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason.
The revocation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, have taken possession of the last goods.


To exercise your right of revocation, you must send us
MediaTeam66 GmbH
Friedenspromenade 98
81827 Munich
Phone 089/420 400 40
Fax 089/420 400 10


by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail) about your decision to revoke this contract. You can use the model withdrawal form that you can download via this link, but it is not mandatory.
In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
In the case of physical products (CDs, DVDs, etc.), the revocation must be sent to the respective contractual partner. Details will be sent by e-mail with the order confirmation.



Consequences of the revocation
If you revoke this contract, we shall reimburse you all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and no later than within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your revocation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged any fees because of this repayment.
We may refuse repayment until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier.


You must return or hand over the goods to us without undue delay and in any case no later than within fourteen days from the day on which you notify us of the revocation of this contract. The deadline is met if you send the goods before the expiry of the period of fourteen days. You shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

You will only have to pay for any loss in value of the goods if this loss in value is due to handling of the goods that is not necessary for checking the condition, properties and functioning of the goods.
– End of the legal cancellation policy –



Return address for the return of the goods:
sics edv copy GmbH
Hygin-Kiene-Strasse 5
83607 Holzkirchen
Telephone: 08024/93 136
fax: 08024/93 137



Exclusion or premature expiry of the right of withdrawal:
A right of revocation does not exist for deliveries of audio or video recordings (e.g. CD, music or video cassettes) or computer software in a sealed package if the seal was removed after delivery, as well as for downloads.
A right of withdrawal also does not exist for goods that are not prefabricated and for the production of which an individual selection or determination by the consumer is decisive or which are clearly tailored to the personal needs of the consumer.
Furthermore, there is no right of withdrawal for contracts for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines with the exception of subscription contracts.



§ 5 Delivery, shipping costs, transfer of risk
We reserve the right to commission a third party (= fulfillment partner) with the delivery of the goods. In this case, the third party will also invoice the orderer for the invoice amount on our behalf. The customer shall pay the invoice amount to the third party with debt-discharging effect. Your legal rights against us remain unaffected.
Delivery shall be made at the shipping costs shown in each individual case. If the customer is a consumer, we bear the shipping risk in any case, regardless of the shipping method. If the customer is an entrepreneur, all risks and dangers of the shipment are transferred to the customer as soon as the goods have been handed over by us to the commissioned logistics partner.



§ 6 Retention of title
The delivered goods remain our property until full payment of the purchase price.



§ 7 Payments
Only the payment methods displayed to the customer during the order process will be accepted.

Purchase on account with Klarna

In cooperation with Klarna we offer invoice as a payment option. With Klarna Invoice you never have to provide your account details and you only pay when you have received the goods. You can find more information about purchase on account at the following link:,80

It applies:

  • First comes the goods, then you pay.
  • Always 14 days payment term.
  • You do not have to provide bank details.
  • Financing possible.

Klarna checks and evaluates the consumer’s data information and maintains a data exchange with other companies and credit agencies if there is a legitimate reason (credit check). If the creditworthiness of the consumer is not guaranteed, Klarna AB may refuse the customer thereupon Klarna’s payment methods and must point to alternative payment options. Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be disclosed to third parties for promotional purposes. Learn more about Klarna’s privacy policy here.
For more information about Klarna, visit



§ 8 Warranty
The warranty is governed by the statutory provisions of the Civil Code (BGB). If the purchase is a commercial transaction for both parties, the provisions of the HGB remain unaffected.



§ 9 Information for consumers in distance contracts and customer information for contracts in electronic commerce
a) We are not subject to any special codes of conduct not mentioned above.


b) You can identify any input errors when placing your order during the final confirmation before checkout and correct them at any time using the delete and change function before sending the order.


c) The essential characteristics of the goods offered by us as well as the period of validity of limited offers can be found in the individual product descriptions within our internet offer.

d) The language available for the conclusion of the contract is exclusively German.


e) Complaints and warranty claims can be made at the address given in the supplier identification.


f) You can save the text of the contract on your computer by clicking on the right mouse button of your browser or print it out using the print function of your browser. The contract text for orders in our Internet store is not accessible to the customer.
The contract text will also be stored by us.


g) For information on payment, delivery or fulfillment, please refer to the offer.


h) In the Internet store you will be informed in the context of the order process about the possibilities to recognize and correct input errors.


§ 10 Alternative Dispute Resolution

a) The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at, which consumers can use to resolve a dispute and where further information on dispute resolution can be found.


b) We do not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
However, the law on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters requires that we nevertheless point you to a consumer arbitration board that is responsible for you:



Center for European Consumer Protection e.V.
Bahnhofsplatz 3
77694 Kehl
Telephone: 07851 / 991480



§ 11 Miscellaneous
a) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to the contractual relationship between us and the customer as well as to the respective terms and conditions. If the customer is a consumer, the existing legal regulations and rights in favor of the consumer according to the law of the customer’s country of residence remain unaffected by this agreement. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.


b) The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the court at our place of business insofar as the customer is a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (HGB) or a public corporation. We shall also have the right to take legal action at the customer’s place of business.



§ 12 Severability clause
If individual provisions of this contract are not legally effective in whole or in part or lose their legal effectiveness at a later date, the validity of the rest of the contract shall not be affected.



§ 13 Provider identification
MedienTeam66 Publishing Ltd.
Friedenspromenade 98
D-81827 Munich
Commercial Register Munich HRB 17 00 35
Managing Director: Leonhard Seidl
Munich, 01.05.2018